Thursday, February 14, 2008

Reviving People Power

Michael Maniates argues that the government and those working on environmental problems at the top are underestimating what people are willing to do to contribute to saving the environment. The opportunities and information being given to people at this point is very small and easy things that can be done without making too much effort, but that also will not contribute much to the eventual solution because the do not address the underlying problems. The solutions being put out there are only those which are both economics friendly and eco-friendly. This is occurring because those at the top are still driven by the growth model and still are not seeing the long-term consequences. This is causing information to not reach the people and so many are not aware of the extent of the problem.

I believe that he is right and that if people knew all of the information and what will be most effective in solving it they will want to help. Most people want their children and grandchildren to lead good lives and would not want to knowingly and willingly partake in activities that threaten future generations to survive. Today though it is hard to be totally green because of the way society has been set up to revolve around cars and consumption, so although people need to push and be the drivers of change the government will be needed since infrastructure and regulation will have to play a big role in any change. The drivers of social change are that people want better lives for themselves and their children, and up until now it has been commonly accepted that growth will make our lives and future generation's lives better. If information was disseminated properly and people found out the truth, that it is endanger in the future generation's ability to live then this could cause a period of change as we move from a growth driven model to a more ecologically and socially friendly model. Globalization and current growth models have not made most people better off, as wages get driven down, health care benefits dry up, retirement packages go down the drain, and work hours increase, all while the top 1% reap the benefits of the continued growth. The average American has not seen a gain in lifestyle and have only been supporting their habits by being in debt. While some growth is required, the current model does not even benefit the average person, but instead benefits those in power both economically and within the government. Since those in power are benefiting in the short term they do not want things to change and so are keeping information and are preventing information from getting out there.

It helps us look at effective political action because while people today pat themselves on the back for using LCD lightbulbs, and they do have some benefit, it prevents people from thinking that they have done their part if they stop there. Although the small things should be done, we also need to see the true implications of our actions and be able to trace the footprint of a good on its path across the world. People today don't think about this because it is not a part of education, mainstream though, government education programs, etc. Everyone has a stake in this because we cannot survive without a healthy earth, and the implications on their own lives or children's, since global environmental problems are coming faster than previously expected like air pollution, global warming, biodiversity loss, fisheries collapse, etc. Without these fundamental processes and lives we cannot live.

This is a useful way of looking at things and of driving political action because it puts the power in the people, and Americans throughout history have stepped up to the plate and gone to bat for policies that are not easy, but are necessary. For example the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Civil Rights movement, etc. Those moments had people who cared enough to move past doing what is easy to do what is right. Consumption has gotten out of control, and has major transportation implications. Although are current lifestyles will not be possible much longer that is okay, because we may be able to go back and find out what makes us truly happy and end our nation's reliance on Prozac and other medications.

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